Behind the Scenes: Fashion Shoot [WHITE x WHITE]
The warm sun was caressing my face as I twisted and twirled a white skirt that we turned into a dress.
Even though we were shooting until about 2 in the afternoon, the sun didn’t have that summer strength. It is autumn here after all, although the temperatures are way higher than usual.
This allowed us to set up the stage outdoors and fill it with plants of all kinds.
The backdrop we used was a patterned white sheet that gave the final images a slightly vintage vibe. It wouldn’t have been the same effect if the sheet were a mere plain one.
Paired with the retro yellow and green makeup, this vintage feel was a perfect fit in the final images.
Zara was in charge of the styling, makeup and photography. It was her first time shooting someone else the way she would portray herself and she did so splendidly.
She is very inspired by young Cher and her style, which is very noticeable in her everyday outfit and hair choices.
I am used to shooting self-portraits, so being only the model feels rather easy. I am very much aware though how much photography and knowledge about light helps me when I’m in front of the camera.
It’s a good thing to know, regardless if you just like taking selfies for Instagram or if you are more curious about visual mediums like photography and painting.
If you know a thing or two about this, you can create something new and interesting with the photographer, as both of you understand how the shadows fall and how the body looks like in relation with the camera.
It should be, after all, a game for two.
Applying touch-ups.
Makeup, styling, photography: Zara Hrvatin
Model, video: Isabella Bubola