The Importance of Learning
Learning and perseverance come hand in hand and the more time you spend actively pursuing a passion, it will pay off.A leading thought that pushes me to learn more is this:
You are never good enough; there is always room for improvement.
And if I were to live a million years, I would still find it motivating! But how do you learn? Where does knowledge come from? In photography, I do the following:
FELLOW PHOTOGRAPHERS It should be obvious, shouldn't it? The fact remains that many beginner photographers are too shy to ask their more experienced colleagues questions they would like answered. I would sincerely advice you not to be one of them! Surely, some will never reply your emails, but others are very helpful and like to share their knowledge. I've learnt a ton from my fellow photographers and I'm still learning! Whether it's a question about gear, inspiration, lighting or model posing, there's someone out there who would be happy to guide you and give you insightful information!
(ta da da dam) THE INTERNET Of course. Youtube alone is packed with tutorials, let alone websites in the likes of, Creativelive, Melissa Rodwell's The Breed or Udemy, just to name a few.
The rule of thumb is: if you don't know it - google it! Do your homework, do your research.
I've also learnt a lot reading other photographers' blogs where they carefully explain their shoots and why something was done exactly the way it was. They not only share technical details, but also their creative vision. Interviews with photographers whose work I admire is also one thing I love to search for: they give you an idea of who the person behind the camera is. Someone's background, education, experience, likes and dislikes influences a great deal the way they perceive the world and why they create the way they do.
GET OUT AND SHOOT SHOOT SHOOT And I mean it! Without practice, there's no chance of growth and just imagine how sad it would be if your ideas only stayed written on paper without ever seeing the light of day. I have to remind myself of that every time I feel too lazy, or cold, or just disinterested; ideas can only spring to life by constant work. And it's always worth it.
Do you have any other methods of learning? How do you expand your knowledge?
About the author
Hi! I'm Isabella and I'm a photographer, blogger and applied arts graduate. I love spending my time creatively, or watching movies, drinking tea, playing with my cats and hanging out with friends.
Find me here or on Facebook and say hello!