Get Over Your Creativity Block
It’s fall! The natural light is softer than in summer, the sky often covered in clouds (which makes a perfect softener) and leaves are turning into reddish and yellowish hues.
Then why do so many people struggle with creativity blocks right now?
I’ll admit I had dealt with it myself in the past and it would mostly happen during fall and winter. Sometimes these gaps were huge and lasted from one up to three months! I couldn’t force myself to do anything creative, and if I tried, I would be far from satisfied with the end result.
Today I’ll be sharing five tips that’ll help you get over your creativity block!
Sometimes us who do a creative job, like jewelry making, photographing, writing and many other different things, get so stuck between our four walls in our little safe zone that we get too overwhelmed with our own thoughts.
Well, that point is the perfect time to go out and socialize!
It can be a night out with besties, or a walk in the middle of the day, it doesn’t matter. The thing to keep in mind is that we need other people. We need to talk and to listen, or just be around somebody.
It’s a chance to stop thinking about your work and your passion (at least I hope your work is your passion!), take a break and clear your mind. And have coffee. Or tea, or whatever suits you. With biscuits, of course.
Time spent with friends will let you relax and clear your mind. :)
Do you know the feeling when you’re Googling artists or when you’re stalking their work on Facebook and afterwards your ideas get so intertwined with the work of others that you can’t manage to come up with a fresh concept?
Don’t worry, it happens.
The best way is to shut your computer down. And your smartphone (yup). Then go away from your digital devices and stop thinking about all the works you’ve seen.
Go for a walk instead. :)
Spending time in nature is always a good choice!
You’re staring at that blank piece of paper and can’t begin. It’s not the first time, it’s the third or fourth, which makes you anxious.
Remember: the first draft exists for a reason. In photography people take test shoots first to ensure everything is ready. Designers and writers alike have to always tweak, and add, and cut their designs and stories.
It’s just how it goes, but nothing will be achieved if you don’t start doing something. It most probably won’t be perfect, but then again, whose first attempt is?
What is something you wanted to do for some time, but never found the time to do it? Or something you’ve never tried, but now might be the right time?
It could be yoga, or knitting, or jogging, whatever you find compelling enough.
I can’t stress enough how important new experiences are! With every new hobby you take on you learn a new skill but, most importantly, something about yourself as well.
And it’s such a fun way to spend some time hiking on that mountain or reading poetry (or both! Poetry reading on a mountain!), isn’t it? :)
Ha! I bet you saw this one coming all the way from the start.
But it’s true. We all build our own boxes, the ways in which we connect things to one another and the mindset which make our works look the way they do.
All of that is great, but when we lack creativity, we might try to do the exact opposite of things that we usually do.
If, for example, the first thing you do when shooting is picking a location, try creating a theme or contacting a stylist first and build other elements around it.
The time of day when we’re creating is also extremely important; you could try working in the afternoon if you’re an early riser or in the mornings if you’re a night owl, and see how that turns out.