Getting Out of My Comfort Zone

selfportrait comfort zone

Even though I don’t have any issues seeing my face on photographs, there has always been something that made me slightly uncomfortable - the sound of my own voice.

I am no exception; there are many who are intimidated by their own voices because we hear them so differently in our heads than how others hear us.

However, today I was unexpectedly on the radio live for the very first time. Thus far I’ve never been live so I had had enough space for trial and error.

This was a completely new experience for me, but I always like a good challenge.

Plus, I told myself that this year will be all about new experiences and pushing my boundaries, so I guess that this is a nice start.

The whole interview is in Croatian (sorry, non-Croatian speakers), but I will definitely be talking about some of those things in my future-to-be podcast that I am incredibly excited about
(now that I’ve said it publicly, it needs to happen, doesn’t it?).